Foundation E-News and Announcements


HP Community Foundation E-News The Coronavirus presents serious challenges for our community

The Coronavirus presents serious challenges for our community.

Thankfully, as we have learned from Highland Park City Manager Ghida Neukirch, a group is meeting weekly and communicating daily about COVID-19 emergency preparedness and community response. This group consists primarily of government representatives from Highland Park, Highwood, and Deerfield; School Districts 109, 112, and 113; Moraine Township and Lake County; and representatives from NorthShore University Health System. Each entity is also in communication with several state agencies, Ravinia Festival, local property owners and businesses, Family Service of Lake County, the Chamber of Commerce, and others, including the Highland Park Community Foundation. As information is developed it is brought back to the community partners group for their consideration and possible action. The extent to which everyone is

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