Chicago Tribune: Area Rotary Club helps give free coats to kids of North Shore SD112: ‘In this year of COVID, the need is greater than ever’
16 Dec 2020We certainly do love to partner with everyone – organizations, individuals, and businesses, and others – who help our community! The first quote was not exactly right, however, the Rotary Club matched the HPCF’s grant that was provided to support Operation Warm’s efforts to ensure all children in our community have coats to make it though the winter – a basic need of many Highland Park and Highwood children that would otherwise have been unmet.
The Rotary Club of Winnetka-Northfield gifted new winter coats to children in need earlier this month, providing 250 of them to students in pre-kindergarten to eighth grade at North Shore School District 112.
The district serves Highwood and Highland Park.
“Our club believes a brand new coat is more than a coat, and offers a child physical and emotional warmth, confidence to socialize and succeed and hope of a brighter future,” said Rich Lalley, secretary/treasurer of the Rotary Club of Winnetka-Northfield.
Lalley said the Rotary Clubs of Wilmette, Wilmette Harbor, Glencoe and Lake Forest-Lake Bluff supported this outreach with cash contributions.
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