Foundation E-News and Announcements


2024 Impact Report

Thanks to your support, the grants we provided in 2023 helped thousands of children and adults. Click on the image below to see the impact you made by supporting our efforts to expand opportunities for Highland Park and Highwood residents and address unmet needs.

A Safe Place

A Safe Place (ASP) serves victims of domestic violence and human trafficking, and their children, who need counseling, legal advocacy, safe housing, and other supportive services. We proudly share the following success story about a client from our community. The client went to ASP feeling uncertain about her recent separation and co-parenting with her ex-partner. She was in the beginning stages of post-separation and used her therapy process to identify ways her abuser continued to exert control. With ASP’s help, she obtained a formal custody agreement. She also opened up about her needs and was able, also with ASP’s help, to get stable housing, furniture, and clothing for herself and her children. Her youngest child, who witnessed much of the DV, also received services that resulted in improved behaviors and emotional regulation.

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